Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

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<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>I am Imelda Widjaja, my friends always called me Melda.</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>I was born on June 28th 1993. I live on Cendrawasih street Lrg II / 14.</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>My Hobby are reading a comic, novel and watchning TV.</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>My Favorite comic is Detectif CONAN.</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>My favorite novels are Novel Teenlit and Twilight.</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>My History Education :</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Children Park : TK.Santa Anna (Nusa Indah ) Makassar (1998-1999)</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Elementary School : SD Negeri Cendrawasih I Makassar (1999-2005)</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Junior High School : SMP Negeri 6 Makassar ( 2005-2008)</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Senior High School : SMA Negeri 2 Makassar ( 2008-2011)</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Now I am student in Hasanuddin University Fakultas MIPA JUrusan Matematika</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Contact me :</B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>Email :<a href="mailto:meldawijaya91@yahoo.com">meldawijaya91@yahoo.com</a></B></font>
<font face="Gabriola" color="blue" style="font-size: 20pt"><B>No.Hp : 081355283758</B></font>

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