Minggu, 22 September 2013

Lokakarya tgl 17-18 Sept 2013

what a amazing experince for me ,, follow this event. this event hwld by AusAID and STATT.
lokakarya yang pesertanya adalah orang-orang terpilih dari seluruh indonesia Timur yang terdiri dari dosen-dosen dan para peneliti. I get many knowlegde. 2 hari yang amat sangat menyenangkan di hotel aryaduta bersama para peserta. buat mbak yulia thank you for your invitation, for mbak dame, bu eri and bu evi thank you for sharing your experience. for my friends Kholiq thank you for your recomended me..
ternyata mengikuti kegiatan bersama para dosen-dosen dan peneliti yang notabene bergelar prof2 rata2 nya sangat menyenangkan :D
THANKS GOD for this :D

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

11 May 2013 pukul 0:45
i never guest or anything that i will close with you,, liki this.. oke,, in the first when i see you,, i thing that you a good man but you so cool to every girls , you never try to close with any girls or your junior.. not like your friends.. but now i feel so enjoy with you,, i know that you so like me,, until now i am still not sure with my feeling alone.. but one i know that i always beside you,,, until now i cannt to think how me withouht you now,,
you like that a brother, friendship, someone i need every time..
i want say thanks to GOD because i can close with you..
THANKS GOD... YOU always know about me my JESUS CHRIST..
